Women's Giving Circle Request for Proposals
The OSU Women’s Giving Circle is inviting you to submit a proposal for grants. The Women's Giving Circle was founded in spring 2003 by a group of OSU alumni and friends who pooled their gifts to create a fund to support Oregon State University programs.
Beyond this first application page requesting contact information, please be prepared to answer the following questions for both an initial and renewal request:
- Provide a one paragraph summary of your proposal.
- How does this proposal meet the grant criteria of the OSU Women's Giving Circle?
- Explain the proposed program goals, objectives, outcomes, and impact.
- Please also list the number of individuals that directly and indirectly impacted for each of the following groups: OSU students, OSU faculty/staff, community members/other people.
- How will you measure the success of the project? Please list all the outcomes you will report when this project is completed.
- Identify the project's staffing.
- Why should the Women's Giving Circle fund this grant proposal?
- Submit a budget: Provide a line-item budget, including all projected revenue and expentitures in an excel spreadsheet which indicate how funds granted from the Women's Giving Circle would be spent. All grant proposals require a budget to be submitted.
Additional questions for renewal requests:
- Are you on track to meet the goals and objectives of your current grant award? Please outline and explain your project's status.
- What has gone well?
- What will change?
- How many staff, OSU students, and community members/other people have participated? Please provide counts for each. How did they benefit?
- Have you applied/received funding from other sources? If so, please provide that information.
- Was the proposed budget followed? If not, why?
- Why should the Women's Giving Circle consider funding a renewal of this project?
If you have questions about the grant application process, please contact Celina Anderson at Celina.Anderson@osufoundation.org.
This form has expired
Women's Giving Circle Grant Proposals are now closed to new submissions for the 2025-2026 academic year. If you have questions about the grant application process, please contact Celina Anderson.